As Wenzel P.P. Peppmeyer continues with his great blog posts about Raku, he touches some very interesting subjects. His last post is about implementing DWIM principle in a module to allow a user to care less about boilerplate code. This alone wouldn’t make me writing this post but Wenzel is raising a matter which I expected to be a source of confusion. And apparently I wasn’t mistaken about it.

Here is the quote from the post:

The new coercion protocol is very useful but got one flaw. It forces me to return the type that contains the COERCE-method. In a role that doesn’t make much sense and it forces me to juggle with IO::Handle.

Basically, the claim winds down to the following snippet:

role Foo {
    multi method COERCE(Str:D $s) {
        $ :r
sub foo(Foo() $v) {
    say $v.WHICH;

Trying to run it one will get:

Impossible coercion from 'Str' into 'Foo': method COERCE returned an instance of IO::Handle

Let’s see why the error is legitimate here.

The short answer would be: coercion, though relaxed in a way, uppermost is a type constraint.

The longer answer is: the user expects Foo in $v in sub foo. I propose to do a little thought experiment which involves adding a method to the role Foo. For example, we want to pad text in the file with spaces. For this we implement method shift-right(Int:D $columns) {...} in role Foo. Then we use the method in our sub foo:

sub foo(Foo() $handle) {

Do I need to elaborate on what’s gonna happen when $handle is not Foo?

Here is the version of the role as I would do it:

subset Pathish of Any:D where Str | IO::Handle;

role Filish[*%mode] is IO::Handle {
    multi method COERCE(IO:D(Pathish) $file) {$file)).open: |%mode

sub prep-file( Filish[:r, :!bin]() $h, 
               Str:D $pfx ) 
    $$pfx.fmt('%-10s: ') ~ *)».say;

prep-file($?FILE, "Str");
prep-file($?FILE.IO, "IO");
prep-file($?, "IO::Handle");

Note the use of coercion to implement coercion. The idea is to take anything, what could be turned into an IO instance.

Also, I forcibly re-open any IO::Handle because the source could have different open modes from what I expect to be the result of the coercion. In my example I’m intentionally passing a handle opened in append mode into a sub expecting a read handle.

I’d like to finish with a note that here we have a good example of Raku allowing DWIM code semantics without breaking its predictability.
